Embracing the tranquil pace of life in Natadol, I’ve undergone a profound transformation in recent years. My days now revolve around devouring more books and cultivating a mindful existence, savoring each fleeting moment. Television is no longer a part of my world, and I’ve bid farewell to the clamor of loud music and disruptive noise.

It’s when I encounter people accustomed to the hustle and bustle of city living that the disparities become glaringly apparent. The raucous music, late-night revelry, and excessive drinking during their vacations stand in stark contrast to my serene way of life. As we gather, they often find themselves engrossed in their individual mobile phones, wistfully missing the presence of a TV. I can’t help but chuckle at the stark divergence between us.

I’ve grown fond of the soft, ambient lighting that gently illuminates my paths while preserving the sanctity of the night, allowing the stars to twinkle in the sky. Often, these gentle lights may seem too subdued to those accustomed to the glaring cityscape.

Embracing a life closer to nature, I’ve adopted a minimalist approach, gradually shedding many of my worldly possessions and learning to cherish the few that remain. I’m dedicated to reducing my carbon footprint and take every opportunity to contribute to this effort. This includes supporting local businesses, opting for public transport whenever feasible, and spending on experiences rather than material possessions.

Even my leisure activities have undergone a transformation. I now find joy in simple yet profound moments, often gathered with my family in our cozy living room. Here, we share laughter, stories, anecdotes, and riddles, taking turns to engage each other’s minds and hearts. Life’s true beauty unfolds at this unhurried pace, and it’s a path I cherish.